Mediation Center


Fahmi Shahab

Fahmi Shahab is Executive Director and mediator of PusatMediasi Nasional (PMN) or The Indonesian Mediation Center. He is a facilitative mediator for court-annexed and out-of-court on contractual,commercial, banking, services, as well as family disputes. He has been the main instructor on certified mediation trainings at PMN. Since August 2014, he has been assigned as a Senior Short Term Expert, EU-Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility, Technical Assistance on Alternative Disputes Resolution to Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). He was a member of the Mediation Working Group with the Supreme Court and served as a trainer and a coach for certified judge mediator training in collaboration with the Supreme Court’s pilot project for Court-Annexed Mediation at the Supreme Court’s Training Centre. He engaged in mediating corporate as well as small medium enterprise loan disputes during Indonesian economic crises 2000-2003 at the Jakarta Initiative Task Force.

He holds a Master Business Law (AusAID-ADS Scholarship) from University of Sydney, Australia and aSarjanaEkonomi (SE) degree in Economics and Development Study from GadjahMada University, Indonesia.