Mediation Center

Past AMA Conferences

1st AMA Conference, 2nd AMA Conference and 3rd AMA Conference were successfully held in Singapore (2009) and Malaysia (2011) and Hong Kong (2014) respectively.

The 1st AMA Conference was held by Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) on 4-5 June 2009 with the theme of “Mediation Diversity – Asia & Beyond”. The Conference featured cultural concepts in the Asian mediation framework and issues, such as the role of mediation in the then economic crisis, and effective strategies for managing complex disputes in Asia and beyond. Distinguished speakers from around the world explored these issues and discussed best practices, trends and developments in dispute resolution.

The 2nd AMA Conference was hosted by Malaysian Mediation Centre (MMC) on 24-25 February 2011. The conference theme is “Rediscovering Mediation in the 21st Century”. It focused on mediation in Malaysian and international context with many countries all over the world having come to realize mediation’s vital role in resolving disputes at all levels. Delegates exchanged knowledge and shared invaluable experience on mediation.

The 3rd AMA Conference was held on 3-4 April 2014 by Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC), a founding member of the AMA. The conference theme is “Mediation: New Era – Legal Framework and Social Change”. Some key issues addressed include civil justice reforms and mediation, mediation in Asia - challenges and opportunities, court roles in mediation, legal perspectives of mediation standards and practices, emerging thoughts on mediation theories, cultural and social factors in mediation practice, cultural factors in family mediation, best practices / case sharing and so on.